Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thoughts from Mommy Jan...

Adele is 6 mths old today! Half-way mark haha! She has started to move herself in an err.. crude manner aka doggie style keke... Looks like she is gona sit up soon in the next few weeks to come. We have started her on cereals and bottled jar foods 2 weeks back and she loves it all! Will start making puree when I am on block leave the week after next, though I wonder how to go about doing so... Hmm, will seek my mama for her expert's advice.

I think baobei has started to recognise that I am the mummy. I was secretly happy that she put out her hands wanting me to carry her when I am back home from work. So can I presume she knows who's the mummy is or I'm just the milk making machine?! Anyway, its a joy seeing her grow up each day with full of tricks up her sleeves...!!!

Hair Band Girl (my mommy's hair band)

Cereal Video

Finally LAZY FAT Daddy got the video ready...