Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cereal-ly Good

My Yishun PoPo fed me my first brown rice cereal... I loved it and keep wanting for more! Yummy!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sitting Happy in Bumbo - Thank You Aunt Ivy and Bro Zac

Socks Licking Good

Thoughts from Mommy Jan...

Readers of Adele's blog must be thinking how come Mommy Jan penning note at this time of the month?!

We brought Adele for her 3rd jab yesterday and Dr Wee said that she is in the 25 percentile range for her weight (she's only 6kg). My mind at that instance went 'OK.BELOW AVERAGE.DIE!' Anyway, Dr Wee prescribed multi-vit drops to give her daily in hope it will boost her appetite. After I stepped out of the clinic, I can't control and just cried so hard until fat daddy also blurred! Even I can't explain why I bursted into tears! I guessed the past week has been a tiring one for me; physically and mentally... Too many things on my mind and I literally didn't sleep at all on Wednesday night (Adele screaming away like 8x that night). Was telling some of my galfriends that I really felt like fainting when I got off bed the following morning!

And probably the fact that Adele is in the below average weight range just sinked further into me. My health has also taken a toil. My mum advised me to give up breastfeeding coz its taxing on me but nope, I won't! Yes, the lures of of giving up breastfeeding are strong buttt I'M STRONGER!!

I am Underweight SO WHAT!!

Today I found out I am underweight and Mommy is really worried. Daddy says SO WHAT!! Surely someone must be at 25 percentile and others can be higher percentile.

Back Crawling

Check out the last photo

Chendol and Me

If I could just stick out my tongue long enough.....:p

First Trip to Changi Airport

I wasn't there for a holiday... just look see look see hor!

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Lazy Moments

Thoughts from Mommy Jan

Baby Adele turned 5 months old yesterday... Her mobility skills are so good that she keep rolling continously when we place her on her tummy! She is also showing more signs that she's ready for solids -- from a lessened tongue-thrust reflex to a keener interest in the foods that we are eating. She gets really angry and screams at the top of her voice when she sees us eat! Hmm… Will probably start her on her first cereal in 2 weeks time although breastmilk or formula milk is all she needs until she is 6 months old.

And yay, she still hasn't sleep thru… Yawn yawn… Doubt the day will come soon but I am slowly getting used to the waking ups. It's just so amazing how our bodies are tuned to it ya…

Sunday, February 8, 2009

CNY Party at Aunty Li Ann's house

See my three friends, Zach, Sam and Ryan...

Rolling Day

Here are some of my best shots....! I mean daddy's best shots...

Now being a model is really tiring.........

Uncle Rui Qing 21st Birthday

I was at Uncle Rui Qing's birthday and daddy got present from HDB, $50 fine...hahahah

More CNY Photos

My aunties visiting me!

Every kid loves getting Ang Pow...